The Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging of North St. Paul, Minnesota, partnering with Iowa Legal Aid, the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups, Legal Services of North Dakota, and the University of South Dakota Elder Law Forum, is providing quality, comprehensive pension counseling, information, and referral through a coordinated regional service delivery model to Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota. The target population is older workers and retirees, with special emphasis upon rural communities, labor groups, women¿s groups, and limited English-speaking communities. Objectives of the Upper Midwest Pension Rights Project are to 1) deliver pension counseling services, including assisting with survivor benefits, drafting claims and appeals, and conducting ¿lost¿ pension searches; 2) conduct outreach activities including intake and referral through partnerships and targeted initiatives; and 3) maintain and enhance operational efficiency by identifying, sharing and implementing effective pension counseling practices, and collecting and reporting on project data. Expected project outcomes include an increase in overall economic self-sufficiency of retirees served; heightened consumer awareness of pension counseling, information, and referral services; restoration of legal rights and pension benefits to participants who often can least afford to go without retirement income; and increased efficiencies and improved project outcome data. Expected products include articles for publication, outreach materials, and web pages.