This project promotes the use of high-quality disability, independent living, and rehabilitation research that is relevant to intended audiences’ needs by serving as the main knowledge translation (KT) resource for other NIDILRR grantees, including NIDILRR grantees that serve as KT centers. Project goals are to: (1) add new knowledge in the area of KT, (2) support the KT endeavors of NIDILRR grantees, and (3) promote the use of NIDILRR-funded work that is relevant to the needs of intended audiences including other researchers, people with disabilities, their families, consumer organizations, policymakers, and other NIDILRR audiences, especially people with disabilities from underserved communities. The objectives are to: (1) facilitate use of disability, independent living and rehabilitation research, especially by people with disabilities from underserved communities, (2) build NIDILRR grantees’ KT capacity, and (3) integrate disability research into systematic reviews and research syntheses. Outcomes include increased use of disability research to inform decision making by individuals with disabilities, their family members, as well as a broad array of other stakeholders, increased use of KT practices among NIDILRR grantees, and integration of disability research perspectives into domestic and international bodies that produce systematic reviews and other research synthesis. Center products include survey findings from people with disabilities from underserved communities about their information needs and receipt preferences; findings from a survey of NIDILRR awards about their KT activities; several rapid reviews on outreach to people with disabilities from underserved communities; trainings, technical assistance, and tools to support grantees’ KT practices and on conducting research syntheses using appropriate standards, guidelines, and methods; a responsive website with many related resources, including a Database of KT Strategies; Registry
of Systematic Reviews; InfoBriefs;, KT Tip Sheets; annual KT conferences and workshops on research synthesis methods, disability intersectionality in research, and KT planning and implementation; KT Casebooks and conference panels to showcase grantees’ KT practices; and direct involvement with two Campbell Collaboration Coordinating Groups (CGs): KT and Implementation CG and Disability CG. The project also partners with a wide international array of other research synthesis and KT organizations.