A. Project Director: Caroline Beohm
B. Project Director Address: 1326 Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17120
C. Project Director contact phone numbers: 717-787-0164 (Office), 717-319-3100 (Mobile)
D. Project Director email address: cbeohm@pa.gov
E. Organization Website address: http://www.insurance.pa.gov/
F. Projected Date(s) for project completion: September 13, 2024-September 12, 2026
G. Total Budget: $635,351.71
Project Goals
The Pennsylvania Insurance Department proposes to use grant funding to support reforms under Section 2713— Coverage of Preventive Health Services. Specifically, the Department aims to educate consumers through a multimedia campaign to increase awareness of coverage and access to contraceptive and reproductive health services. Second, the Department seeks to educate insurers on best practices for contraceptive and reproductive coverage through tools and/or checklists, such as updated annual filing guidance, to enhance the review of issuer form filings to ensure the best possible contraceptive and reproductive coverage for women in Pennsylvania.
Description of How the Grant Will be Used
The grant will be used to engage contractors with the appropriate expertise to design and create a multimedia campaign to increase awareness of access to no-cost preventive reproductive and contraceptive care, and additional vendors to complete a multistate research project designed to create gold-standard policy forms and language for reproductive and contraceptive care to be used to educate Pennsylvania issuers. A portion of the funds will be set aside to support collaboration with other state regulators through NAIC national meeting attendance.