The Colorado Division of Insurance (Division) is requesting $625,672.51 from the Expanding Access to Women’s Health Grant Program (EAW Grant) to strengthen its efforts to enhance and expand access to reproductive health coverage and services in Colorado. The Division is proposing three activities to complete over the two-year grant to address the two pre-selected market reforms under Part A of Title XXVII of the PHS Act.
Within this proposal the Division is requesting approval of funds for three project tasks: 1) enhance reviews of preventive services coverage in annual insurer filings; 2) increase capacity to collect and analyze data regarding reproductive health care coverage to support compliance investigations or enforcement actions; and 3) identify barriers to accessing reproductive care associated with insurer networks and provide policy solutions for Division leadership.
A primary goal of these tasks is to improve the Division’s capacity to identify instances of carrier non-compliance with reproductive and preventive services coverage. This will be accomplished both prospectively through reviews of carrier filings, and retrospectively through the analysis of carrier contraception reporting data. These efforts will ensure Colorado consumers have access to the required reproductive coverages, effective family planning practices, and sterilization procedures. The tasks will also support the Division in utilizing these data and analysis to support investigations or other enforcement actions. Finally, the tasks will allow the Division to identify barriers to access associated with carrier networks, which may be driving health disparities across various areas of the state, and provide policy options for the Division to consider.
The Division thanks the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight for this grant opportunity and for reviewing all proposal materials.