Microenvironmental pH is a key factor in cell functioning and pathogenesis. To control the function and behavior
of cells by modulating pH microenvironments is critical to advancing the development of cell biology and tissue
engineering and enabling applications in drug delivery and regenerative medicine. However, pH-based cell
control remains a challenge due to the lack of means to real-time, spatioselective modulation of
microenvironmental pH. While pH microenvironments in cell systems are highly heterogeneous in time and
space, known pH-modulation methods are through CO2/HCO3− buffering and H+ diffusion, which are slow,
isotropic, and nonspecific. An urgent need, therefore, is to modulate pH microenvironments in a spatiotemporally
specific manner. Failure to do so means that pH, an essential factor that determines cell fate and function, is not
in good control. The PI’s long-term goal is microenvironmental pH–based closed-loop regulation of cell function,
metabolism, and morphogenesis. The overall goal of this project, a critical step towards the long-term goal, is to
control cells by real-time, spatioselective modulation of pH microenvironments. The hypothesis is that cell
function and behavior can be regulated with ultra-high spatiotemporal resolutions (10–100 µm, <50 s), compared
to conventional, diffusion-based methods (>103 µm, >103 s), in pH microenvironments that are modulated
nanoelectrochemically by microelectrodes based on graphene, a two-dimensional nanomaterial with unique
outstanding bio-transduction properties that address the primary challenge of on-chip pH modulation of living
cell systems for typical microelectrode materials. The approach to test this hypothesis is to quantify real-time
responses of model cell systems to arrayed pH microenvironment generated by an array of bidirectional
graphene-microelectrode transducers that are optically transparent to allow microscopic characterization and
communicate with cellular systems through electrical signal interrogation and rapid nanoelectrochemical
microenvironmental-pH modulation. The following milestone goals will be reached in this project: (1) to create
densely arrayed pH microenvironment by developing an array of bidirectional graphene-microelectrode
transducers and (2) to control the function and behavior of model cell systems (cardiomyocytes and tumor cells)
via spatiotemporal microenvironmental pH modulation using the graphene transducer array. The PI is uniquely
positioned to conduct the project due to the ability of the PI’s lab to create graphene microelectrodes integrable
in a fluidic device for interfacing cellular systems, interrogating electrical/chemical cell signals, and controlling
cell behavior by generating microscale pH gradients. To harness and combine these techniques allows the
development of arrays of bidirectional graphene transducers for selective, real-time pH-microenvironment
modulation and cell control. The expected outcome of the project is pH-based cell-control tools with over two-
orders-of-magnitude enhanced spatiotemporal resolutions compared to conventional methods. This outcome is
to generate positive impact on bioengineering development, regenerative medicine, and synthetic morphology.